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The 6th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2015)

浏览次数:次 发布时间:2015-04-13

The 6th IET International Conference on

Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks(ICWMMN2015)
    After successful ICWMMN'06 in Hangzhou and ICWMMN'08, ICWMMN'10, ICWMMN'11, ICWMMN'13 in Beijing, the 6th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2015) will be held in Beijing on 20 - 23 November 2015. This conference is planned to be the leading international technical event on current and emerging mobile networks and their multimedia services. All papers presented at the conference will be reviewed by the IET in consideration for publication. Those that meet the expected levels of quality and technical content will be accepted for publication on the IET Digital Library and IEEE Xplore, indexed by IET Inspec and submitted to EI Compendex for consideration for indexing.
Topics (not limited to):
A. Wireless Networks E. Multimedia Network Service and Applications
A-1 Vehicular Wireless Networks
A-2 Small Cells & HetNet
A-3 Green Communication Networks & Wireless Power Transfer
A-4 Optical Wireless Communications
A-5 Cyber-Physical System & Security
A-6 Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks
A-7 Cooperative Wireless Networks
A-8 Software Defined Networks
A-9 Mobile Cloud Networks
E-1 Multimedia Services & Data Center Networks
E-2 Location-based Services and Positioning
E-3 Social Networks Computing& Big Data
E-4 D2D and M2M Communications
E-5 Big Data Applications
B. Wireless Communications F. New Techniques for Smartphone
B-1 Interference Alignment & Interference Coordination
B-2 Information-Theoretic Aspects of Wireless Communications
B-3 4G & 5G Technologies
B-4 Handoff, Mobility & Wireless QoS and Reliability
B-5 Modulation/Demodulation & Coding/Decoding
B-6 Channel Measurement, Modelling & Estimation
B-7 Reconfigurable Systems
B-8 Cognitive Radio
F-1 Human-Computer Interaction
F-2 Context Awareness Computing
F-3 3D Virtual Environment & Image Searching
F-4 Deep Computing for Media Retrieval
F-5 Wearable Devices for Mobile Computing
C. Signal Processing G. Intelligent Transportation and High-Speed Communications
C-1 OFDM Systems & Flexible Frequency Sharing
C-2 Massive MIMO & mmWave Communications
C-3 Filtering & Sparse Recovery
C-4 Synchronization & Channel Equalization
C-5 New Techniques in RF-design & Full Duplex Communications
C-6 Convex Optimizations for Mobile Communication Problems
G-1 High Mobile Channel Measurement and Modelling
G-2 Heterogeneous V2V and V2I Communications
G-3 Design and Optimization of High-Speed-Train Wireless Communications
G-4 Key Technologies for Wireless Communication with High Mobility
G-5 Resource Allocation and Interference Management
G-6 5G Technologies for Intelligent Transportation and High Mobile Communications
D. Speech & Video Processing
H. Others
D-1 Speech Recognition & Understanding
D-2 Image & Video Processing Retrieval & Summarization
D-3 Information Retrieval & Summarization
D-4 Segmentation & Grouping
D-5 Saliency detection & Video Analysis & Event Recognition
D-6 Face & Facial Expression Recognition
Important Deadlines
Papers submission deadline 1 Sept. 2015
Notification of acceptance 30 Sept. 2015
Submission of final papers 30 Oct. 2015
Pre-registration 7 Nov. 2015
Conference 20-23 Nov. 2015 
If you have any questions regarding the conference, do not hesitate to contact us:
Ms. Xiaofang TANG; Dr. Gaoyun AN
Institute of Information Science
Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing, China, 100044
bfxxstxf@bjtu.edu.cn; gyan@bjtu.edu.cn
Tel: 86 10 5168 8616