
Location:Home > People > Professor

Name:Miao Zhenjiang

Position:Professor , Ph.D Supervisor



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Zhenjiang: Doctor, Ph.D. Supervisor, undergraduate in 1987 from Radio Department of Tsinghua University, 1990 and 1994 in BJTU got master's and doctor degree separately. 1994-2004 studied and worked in France and Canada. In France, at first he worked in France TOULOUSE National Institute of Technology (INPT) to carry out post-doctoral study and then worked in the National Academy of Sciences (INRA); In Canada, at first he worked in the Canada National Research Council Institute of Information Technology (IIT-NRC), then he worked in the North Telecommunications (Nortel) and RIM company to develop wireless network for communications equipment DMS-MTX and 3G handheld device Blackberry 6750 system and the products now have a wide range of global sales and applications. He has published academic papers over 70 articles, of which SCI crawling 7, EI search more than 30, ISTP search more than 30. At present, he has presided over the national 973 issue of “visual media interactive and integration deal" and other important national research projects.