Associate Professor

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Name:Ding Xiaoming

Position:Associate Professor



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    Ding Xiaoming: associate professor, member of information branch of Chinese Institute of Electronics, technical expert of Ministry of Railway. He have participated in two projects of 863 program and two projects of Ministry of Railway during the 9-th and 10-th Five-year plan period and a project of National Key Technologies R & D Program of China during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period. His research fields include Information and Coding Theory, Speech Information Processing, Multimedia Communication Technology, Packaged Voice Technology, Wireless Access Technology, Design and Application of PLD, Implementation for Embedded System and System on Chip, etc. He was awarded one first-place-prize and two second-place-prizes of the Advancement of Science and Technology by the railway ministry of China and also has three patents of technology and invention by the state intellectual property office of P. R. China.