Associate Professor

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Name:Cen Yigang

Position:Associate Professor



Fox Mail:


    Yi-Gang Cen: He received the Ph.D degree in Control Science & Engineering, in 2006 from the HUST. In Sept. 2006, he joined the Signal Processing Centre, EEE, NTU in Singapore as a research fellow. He is currently an associate professor and supervisor of doctor student of BJTU. From Jan. 2014 to Jan., 2015, he was a visiting scholar of the department of Computer Science, University of Missouri in US. His research interests include Compressed Sensing, Sparse Representation, Low-rank Matrix Reconstruction, Wavelet construction theory etc. He has been a principal investigator of 8 projects including Natural Science Foundation of China. He is also a participant of several projects such as National Basic Research (973) Program of China, Natural Science Foundation of China etc. Until now, he has published more than 40 papers, 9 of which were indexed by SCI(E) and more than 20 papers were indexed by EI or ISTP.