30多年以来,发表论文总数达2000余篇,出版专著35本,研究报告九十余份,其中在包括IEEE Transactions在内的学术刊物论文900余篇,国际会议700余篇,其中被三大检索(SCI、EI、ISTP)检索1000余篇,SCI检索近百篇,900余篇被EI,ISTP检索系统检索及引用。信息科学研究所是国际信号处理学术会议(ICSP)的发起者和连续八届的主持者,具有相当的国际声誉,该会议每两年举办一次,是我校重要的对外交流窗口。另外,信息科学研究所还多次主办IEEE等其他国际国内学术会议。
◆ 聂浪, 林春雨, 廖康, 刘帅成, 赵耀, “Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching: Reconstructing Stitched Features to Images,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 6184-6197, Jan. 2021. ◆ 许万茹,于剑,苗振江,万丽莉,田艺 ,Ji, “Deep Reinforcement Polishing Network for Video Captioning,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 23, pp.1772-1784, May. 2021. ◆ 王淑琴, 陈勇勇, 金一, 岑翼刚, 李浥东, 张琳娜, “Error-robust Low-rank Tensor Approximation for Multi-view Clustering,” Knowledge-based Systems, vol. 215, Mar. 2021 ◆ 邓奕男, 杨唐文, 戴少涛, 宋国立, “A Miniature Triaxial Fiber Optic Force Sensor for Flexible Ureteroscopy,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 2339-2347, Aug. 2021. ◆ 朱振峰, 孟莹莹, 孔德强, 张幸幸, Yandong, 赵耀, “To See in the Dark: N2DGAN for Background Modeling in Nighttime Scene,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Yechnology , vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 492-502, Feb. 2021. ◆ 何凌志, 朱泓光, 李锋, 白慧慧, 丛润民, 张淳杰, 林春雨, 刘美琴, 赵耀, “Towards Fast and Accurate Real-World Depth Super-Resolution: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline,” CVPR 2021, pp. 9229-9238, Jun. 2021. ◆ 张晨, 丛润民, 林秦伟, 马林, 李锋, 赵耀, Kwong, “Cross-modality discrepant interaction network for RGB-D salient object detection,” ACM MM 2021, pp. 2094-2102, Oct. 2021. ◆ 张港鉴, 韦世奎, 庞华鑫, 赵耀, “Heterogeneous Feature Fusion and Cross-modal Alignment for Composed Image Retrieval,” ACM MM 2021, pp. 5353–5362 Oct, 2021. ◆ 杨尚蓉, 林春雨, 廖康, 张淳杰, 赵耀, “Progressively Complementary Network for Fisheye Image Rectification Using Appearance Flow,” CVPR 2021, pp. 6348-6357, Jun. 2021. ◆ 郑振兴, 安高云, Dapeng, 阮秋琦, “Global and Local Knowledge-Aware Attention Network for Action Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol.32, no. 1, pp. 334-347, Jan. 2021. ◆ 符志强, 赵耀, 常冬霞, 王一鸣, “A Hierarchical Weighted Low-rank Representation for Image Clustering and Classification,” Pattern Recognition,vol. 112, Apr. 2021. ◆ 符志强, 赵耀, 常冬霞, 张幸幸, 王一鸣, “Double Low-Rank Representation With Projection Distance Penalty for Clustering,” CVPR 2021, pp. 5320-5329, Jun. 2021. ◆ 廖康, 林春雨, 赵耀, “A Deep Ordinal Distortion Estimation Approach for Distortion Rectification,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 3362-3375, Mar. 2021. ◆ 阚世超, 岑翼刚, Vladimir, Li, He, “Zero-Shot Learning to Index on Semantic Trees for Scalable Image Retrieval,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 501-516, Jan. 2021. ◆ 丛润民, JianjunLei, HuazhuFu, JunhuiHou, QingmingHuang, SamKwong, “Going From RGB to RGBD Saliency:A Depth-Guided Transformation Model,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 3637-3639, Aug. 2020. ◆ 廖康, 林春雨, 魏云超, 李锋, 杨尚蓉, 赵耀, “Towards Complete Scene and Regular Shape for Distortion Rectification by Curve-Aware Extrapolation,” ICCV 2021, pp. 14569-14578, Oct. 2021 ◆ 张诗吟, JunHaoLiew, 魏云超, 韦世奎, 赵耀, “Interactive Object Segmentation with Inside-Outside Guidance,” CVPR 2020, pp. 12234-12244, Jun. 2020. ◆ 阚世超, 岑翼刚, 李扬, Mladenovic, 何志海, “Relative Order Analysis and Optimization for Unsupervised Deep Metric Learning,” CVPR 2021, pp. 13994-14003, Jun. 2021. ◆ 贾麒霏, 韦世奎, 阮涛, 赵玉凤, 赵耀, “GradingNet: Towards Providing Reliable Supervisions for Weakly Supervised Object Detection by Grading the Box Candidates,” AAAI 2021, pp. 1682-1690, May. 2021. ◆ 牛亚坤, Tondi, 赵耀, 倪蓉蓉, Barni, “Image Splicing Detection, Localization and Attribution via JPEG Primary Quantization Matrix Estimation and Clustering,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pp. 5397-5412, Nov. 2021. ◆ 阚世超, 岑翼刚, Zhihai He, Zhi Zhang, Linna Zhang, and Yanhong Wang, “Supervised Deep Feature Embedding With Handcrafted Feature,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 5809-5823, Dec. 2019.